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“Clear or Fuzzy Headed?” – The Definitive Explanation

‘Clear or fuzzy?’ It’s something you’ve all been asked about after meningeal releases (the big stretches at the start of an adjustment) numerous times. Your response helps keep your ‘unwind’ on track. There is an optimal stretch side for each person on every visit and although it tends mostly to stay the same, we’re always on the lookout for signs that your bodies configuration has changed so fundamentally that a new set of rules apply.

When fuzziness is reported (most commonly described like having had a few alcoholic drinks on an empty stomach) it typically clears when the stretch side is changed although there may sometimes be some re-organising before smooth unwinding again prevails. With this understanding, fuzzy is not to be feared, only recognised so your unwind can be kept as stable and efficient as possible.

The fuzziness we refer to represents a change in mechanical tension on your central nervous system. As your mechanical balance changes, your nervous system is either stretched or slackened. Our ultimate goal is to create great structure and therefore great central nervous system tone for optimal function in your body. Unwinding of course has its swings and roundabouts but it’s worth it!

Whilst many people first go to a chiropractor for back pain, neck pain or headaches, with this understanding of how mechanics affect neurology, a number of people now seek out ABC™ chiropractors for help with foggy / fuzzy heads. People who have issues with clear-thinking, focus, balance, coordination or the like for which they have not been able to get a diagnosis or successful treatment are often found to have an underlying structural problem and therefore get great help with this treatment.

Dr Martin is presenting on the ‘definitive guide to managing the fuzzy-headed patient’ at the ABCA convention in Bali in this month.

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