Blog and Education

Education is a large part of our care.
We want to share our health tips and tricks with you to compliment your care.

Sam Coupe Sam Coupe

Do I Need A New Mattress?

Here are some clues that it might be time for a new mattress! We spend 1/3 of our life in bed so a great sleep set up is essential for good spinal health.

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Lifestyle Dr. Ben Coupe Lifestyle Dr. Ben Coupe

Your Window of Tolerance

Through everyday life our bodies experience a number of stresses and strains, occasionally creating misalignments. That’s why we see maintenance care as a healthy lifestyle choice.

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Lifestyle Dr. Richard Martin Lifestyle Dr. Richard Martin

Legend’s Board

There are huge benefits in life when we apply ourself consistently to worthwhile projects. This is not limited to the benefits of the activity itself but the often overlooked and possibly more significant impact on our psyche. Consistency is key.

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