Endonasal Cranial Correction

What is Endonasal Cranial Correction™?

Endonasal Cranial Correction™ (ECC) is a form of cranial (skull) correction. 

Essentially, Endonasal Cranial Correction™ focuses on correcting misalignments of the cranium. It will probably surprise some that your skull is not a single bone but rather several bones that piece together much like a jigsaw puzzle. Cranial bones can become misaligned from one another (just like any other bone) with significant consequences.

Whilst there are many different forms of cranial correction using balloons including Nasal Cranial release NCR and Cranial Fascial Release CFR utilised within chiropractic, osteopathy, and the like, our practice utilises Endonasal Cranial Correction™ ECC.

Dr Ben Coupe and Dr Richard Martin are the teachers of Endonasal Cranial Correction™ in Australia and New Zealand.

Endonasal Cranial Correction™ - How does it work and what can it help?

Endonasal Cranial Correction™ is a method that helps bring the body back into alignment through the correction of cranial bones out of place in a direction the body cannot self-correct. In ECC we use balloons inserted into the nasal cavity to achieve the correction. Whilst this may sound off-putting, most people who have experienced it describe the experience as awkward but in no way painful. In fact it is most frequently described as a similar feeling to getting water up the nose like when dunked by a wave. 

The significance of correcting the skull from inside-out cannot be overstated. When thought about practically, most direct misalignments to the skull naturally occur through head trauma. That force is always outside-in. Thus it makes practical sense to correct from the inside-out to rectify the imbalance.

The results however can be dramatic. Even the ABC TV show ‘Catalyst’ did a special on this form of therapy, highlighting the dramatic health improvements people can notice.

The most direct impact that ECC can help is specific to the cranium. The first being improvements in facial symmetry. As the body is realigned into its optimal state, cheekbones may begin to rise, noses can straighten (previously broken, otherwise bent or just naturally crooked) and pinched faces can become fuller and even more balanced. 

Once cranial alignment starts to improve , people commonly report improvements in nasal breathing, facial pressure, sinus symptoms and congestion. Improvements in chronic TMJ, headaches, dizziness are also among the reported benefits. 

Endonasal Cranial Correction™ can result not only in relief of residual tension around the skull but changes in the entire body. The entire body changes as the compensation patterns change – as either the effects of the altered mechanical stresses or as a result of being pulled or pushed out of place by the forces created due to the misaligned cranial structures.

In reality, improving cranial alignment delivers the same benefits of improving body alignment in any part of the body. As every part of the body is connected to every other part, ECC is in reality the completion of the re-alignment process we undertake with Advanced BioStructural Correction™ (the corrective technique we use at Melbourne City Chiropractic). This is why we always recommend people undertake ECC in conjunction with ABC so they can achieve the benefits of full body realignment.

If you are curious about ECC then ask one our practitioners who are qualified in ECC. You might be surprised at how much your health could benefit.

We are committed to helping you live pain free, naturally. See how Advanced Biostructural Correction™ can help with your back pain today.


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