Endonasal Cranial Correction

Cranial chiropractic focuses on misalignments to the cranium (skull). It will probably surprise some that your skull is not a single bone but rather several flat bones that piece together much like a jigsaw puzzle. These bones can become misaligned from one another with significant consequences.

Whilst there are several different forms of cranial correction, our practice utilizes Endonasal Cranial Correction™.

So what is ECC™ and how is it different?

ECC™ is a method that helps bring the body back into alignment through the correction of cranial bones out of place in a direction the body cannot self-correct. Those corrections result not only in relief of residual tension around the skull, including sinuses and facial asymmetry but can result in changes in postural and spinal alignment as well.

In ECC™ we use balloons inserted into the nasal cavity to achieve the correction. Whilst this may sound off putting, most people who have experienced it describe the experience as awkward but in no way painful. The results however can be dramatic. Even the ABC TV show ‘Catalyst’ did a special on this form of therapy, highlighting the dramatic health improvements people can notice.

ECC™ and posture

ECC™ can help clients improve posture and spinal alignment as well as the facial symmetry. As the body is realigned into its optimal state, cheekbones may begin to rise, noses can straighten (previously broken, otherwise bent or just naturally crooked) and pinched faces can become fuller.

If you are curious about ECC™ then ask any of our practitioners, who are qualified in ECC on your next visit to Melbourne City Chiropractic. You might be surprised at how much your health could benefit.

We are committed to helping you live pain free, naturally. See how Advanced Biostructural Correction™ can help with your back pain today.


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