Back Pain

Are you experiencing:

  • Numbness or tingling in your buttock or down your leg?

  • Pain or difficulty getting out of bed?

  • Muscle Spasms or tightness?

  • Slouched posture?

  • Pain when you sit or stand for long periods?

  • Stiffness or painful restriction in the back?

  • Pain in between your shoulder blades?

  • Difficulty with various movements like putting on your socks?

If so, you are not alone. Back pain is one of the most common conditions that bring people into our office. 1 in 6 Australians (16%) had back problems in 2017-18. That is a huge 4 million people! ( Australian Institute of Health and Wellfare )

Back pain has many possible causes, which is why a comprehensive examination process is required. Once physical trauma or underlying pathology has been ruled out, back pain is most commonly caused by structural or mechanical imbalances of the spine.

Poor posture is one of the most noticeable signs of these mechanical imbalances of the spine. Changes in posture, particularly in the forward direction, have the ability to place added pressure on the joints, muscles, bones, discs and nerves of the low back (and other areas).

This has the potential of contributing to pain and dysfunction.

For many people, back pain can become chronic with frequent flare ups. This results in significant limitations in both your work and play.

This is why we are so committed to helping you overcome back pain, so you can get back to your best.

Struggling with back pain?

We are committed to helping you live pain free, naturally. See how Advanced Biostructural Correction™ can help with your back pain today.


Causes of back pain

No two people with back pain are the same. Everybody is different. That being said, here are what we see are the most common causes of back pain:

  • Prolonged sitting (especially with incorrect ergonomic setup)

  • Inactivity

  • Soft mattresses

  • Physical trauma such as an accident

  • Sporting injuries

  • Stress

  • Underlying disease or problem (rare)

The first step to working with one of our chiropractors is for us to determine if we are in fact the right people to help you with your back pain. If we deem that you are not a candidate for chiropractic care, we will ensure we find the right person to help you.

A comprehensive clinical history and physical examination is required to determine if you are a candidate for chiropractic care.

Our Approach

We utilise a method of chiropractic known as Advanced Bio-Structural Correction™, or ABC™ for short. In fact, our chiropractors are responsible for teaching this method of chiropractic to other chiropractors around the globe!

ABC™ works towards improving posture by assessing and correcting the structural imbalances or misalignments in the spine and body. This can help your body start to move and feel better.

Creating a more upright posture over time is a process known as stabilisation.

With improved posture, there is often less pressure on the muscles, ligaments, bones, discs, and nerves surrounding the low back and spine. This can result in reduced pain and more freedom of movement.

To see some of our patients results simply click this link here.

To book in with our ABC™ chiropractors, book online, or call our office during office hours.

Meet your Chiropractors

Our team is passionate about improving the health and wellbeing of our patients. Meet our team before you come into the practice.


Are you ready to unwind your body?

Schedule your first appointment with our ABC™ Chiropractors and get back to doing what you love.