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What is ABC™ Unwinding?

If you have been a client at one of our practices for any length of time you’ll no doubt have regularly heard us discuss ‘unwinding.’ There may be some of you that smile and nod but in reality don’t really know what we are talking about. Here is your chance to understand in more detail.

ABC™ (the chiropractic technique we use) is based upon the observation that certain bones can misalign in a way that can’t be self corrected as we don’t have a muscle (or combination of muscles) that can pull in the direction needed for correction. When this occurs our body twists up to compensate. Over time, with many such misalignments and compensatory twists we become ‘wound up’ (tight, awkward, dysfunctional, worn and painful).

Importantly, it is at the site of these compensatory twists that most pains or problems develop, not the more vulnerable and therefore highly protected primary misalignment sites. When an ABC™ adjustment corrects those primary misalignments, the related compensations unravel until the next stuck point which is the next deeper layer of problems and compensations. The process of progressively untwisting the body layer by layer is referred to as ‘unwinding.’

Unwinding is cyclical. The process can be separated into ‘forward’ and ‘backward’ stages. Forward spells of your unwind will be less stable and therefore less comfortable than backward spells. This occurs on and off throughout your overall progress.

Rather than a negative experience, these forward unwinding spells represent untwisting into a key old injury. The most significant body changes occur immediately following. These less stable phases of your unwind can be awkward to uncomfortable (or for some even painful) but typically only last days to a few weeks.

The backward unwinding stages will represent a more stable and thus more comfortable stage of the unwinding. This stage is an ideal time for people decide whether they want to continue through unwinding process. If you feel you have achieved you goals then you can choose to move into protective care (involving less frequent visits) or stop care altogether.

The smoothest way through any stage of your unwind is to maintain a regular schedule of appointments (even when you least feel like it!). In fact during the forward stages we encourage you to get adjusted more frequently.

We like to think of unwinding as the process of ‘getting your younger body back’ as it will no longer be carrying the accumulation of the old injuries and their compensations. How far you want to go through the process is up to you.

There is no need to put up with pain any longer

Schedule your first appointment with our expert ABC™ Chiropractors and get back to doing what you love.

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Schedule your first appointment with our expert ABC™ Chiropractors and get back to doing what you love