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Lately we’ve had a number of adjustment conversations with people about the podcasts we follow (especially off the back of our recent Facebook videos of Ben demonstrating the Wim Hoff training method).

They usually start with “what on earth was that….”

Inevitably, interested people get sent a link to a podcast episode that has inspired some of our latest experiments, so today I thought I might share some of our favourite podcasts so the keener pursuers of optimal performance can play along at home.

WARNING: Seriously Addictive. Only indulge if you have hours and hours of spare time 😉

The Tim Ferriss Show:

Author of ‘the 4 Hour Work Week’ and ‘the 4 Hour Body’, Tim is now one of the most successful podcasters on the planet. He refers to himself as ‘a human guinea pig’ referencing his insatiable desire to test strategies for living a healthier, more productive life. These episodes typically focus on one of his two loves: optimising human performance or entrepreneurial insights. On the whole they are conversations with a single guest who is generally a world class performer in their field. Pick and choose as you like but real fans listen to them all!

Found My Fitness with Rhonda Patrick PhD:

An easier one to stay up to date with as she is a working scientist without the time to post so often. When she does, people listen. Great at exploring a topic in depth within the scope of the published research. Hard to follow completely without a biochemistry / physiology background but you’ll still certainly get the gist. Key interests: Sauna use for longevity and optimal function (as well as exercise, diet, meditation and cold exposure).

The Joe Rogan Experience:

The go to podcast for our UFC-loving friends that surprises me in it’s depth and breath of interest (…every now and then). Joe Rogan, successful actor and stand-up comedian, has a black belt in Brazilian Ju Jitsu and commentates for the UFC but he has converted this podcast from more strictly comedy or fight companions to include some of the most fascinating conversations I’ve had the pleasure of listening in to. On the other hand, I often find him a bit immature and readily accepting of a conspiracy (but who am I kidding..). Longest format so be prepared for some 3+ hours efforts with lots of swearing and no taboos.

So what are you listening to on the train home tonight?

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